Here is the New Mexico block, license plate sized.
This 12 X 6 inch block was made to honor Clothworks' new American Made Brand cotton. The great thing about this cotton is that it is grown, spun, woven, and dyed in the United States. Of course, it is wonderful that it comes in a wide range of colors, has a lovely hand that makes it perfect for quilts, clothing, and a wide range of little projects, and is available at a great price. In exchange for creating this block, I was provided with an AMB color card and a swatch of each color. I'll be sending this block back to AMB so it can become part of a quilt that will be seen at the 2014 Fall International Quilt Festival.
About New Mexico
New Mexico was the 47th state, admitted to the union January 6, 1912. One hundred and two years later, many people who should know better think we are part of a nation to the south. This link on, accessed today, claims we are a state in Mexico rather than part of the United States of America. Of course, you can glean more information about New Mexico on Wikipedia. I'm going to share some additional, more personal, information about the state where I've lived for nearly 26 years.As a very young reader, I became intrigued with New Mexico when my family visited Rosemary and Ray Satterfield in El Paso, Illinois. They had a huge stack of New Mexico magazines they had subscribed to for many years. I loved reading the magazines while the grown-ups talked--and dreaming of a future visit. (Of course, my classmate, Jane Panther, had already visited 47 states, so I knew it was possible.)
When I was in college, one of my former roommates enrolled in a master's program in TESOL at UNM in Albuquerque, and I flew out to spend 10 days visiting her and exploring Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and other nearby sites. My experience was that New Mexico was living up to its reputation as The Land of Enchantment. (That phrase became part of our license plates in 1941 and our state's official motto in 1999.)
Although most people driving across New Mexico along an east-west route travel via I-40, they encounter constant reminders of Route 66; although various portions of the original Route 66 have been renamed, portions of the original route are still in existence. When I arrived, I first lived in Gallup and taught on the Navajo reservation. While our state is a "majority-minority" state, meaning Anglos are in the minority, my teaching jobs for the Gallup-McKinley Schools (the district covers more land area than the entire state of Connecticut) and on the Zuni Pueblo, gave me not only a deep appreciation for those cultures but also new personal experiences being a minority.
While outsiders often assume New Mexicans speak Spanish, the most common languages are English, Spanish, and Navajo, in that order. In addition a variety of other languages are heard, including a variety of Native American languages, including seven Tewa dialects. The Zuni language is not related to the other languages. In fact, Zuni was an unwritten language until the 1970's when Wycliffe Bible translators arrived on the Pueblo. While some people assume we have some kind of amalgamated Native American Culture, the fact is that each tribe and pueblo is quite distinct. Our state constitution is written in both English and Spanish, both official languages of the state. It is fairly common for citizens to be bilingual or trilingual.
There are countless incidents of otherwise bright people failing to recognize that we are one of the 50 states of the United States. A couple decades ago a bureaucrat at the IRS called our Senator Domenici reminding him that he needed to fill out his tax return as a resident alien (a failure of reason on several levels)! Each month New Mexico Magazine publishes several anecdotes of such incidents. And yes, despite the fact that the New Mexico Territory included portions of present day California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, I have seen a map that acknowledged the other states and omitted us!
A few years ago, the state began adding "USA" after New Mexico; I was glad. I know that the officer who stopped me in Topeka, KS before the USA was added probably thought I was in the country illegally. (I've often wondered if he was surprised to see that two of the occupants were Chinese?!)
Aside from sunshine and blue skies nearly every day, one of the things I value most about New Mexico is our diversity and the fact that our citizens value that diversity. Therefore, I used many colors in this block to represent our diversity.
My blog will publish directions for making the New Mexico block on Saturday, June 21 at noon Mountain Daylight Time.
Readers can register for two give-aways.
The first is a bundle of fat quarters from American Made Brand.
A second drawing will be for a kit of strips that are used in the New Mexico block.
Earn entries to the drawings by leaving a comment on this post and following my blog by e-mail or a feed such as Bloglovin (links in column to the right) or other format. (If you subscribe by the e-mail subscription link to the right of this column, you will need to check the e-mail address with which you subscribe and verify your subscription or you will not be subscribed.)
1. You may earn one entry by leaving a comment that includes the name of the state where you live.
2. Earn a second entry by leaving a comment that lets me know how you are following this blog.
Please note that this blog does not allow anonymous comments and that I must be able to e-mail the winners (so if your profile does not include your e-mail address, please include it). For this drawing, winners must have a U.S. mailing address; this is a condition required by AMB due to the expense of foreign postage (very sorry, world-wide readers).
If any spam gets through, of course I will delete it.
The winners will be drawn on Wednesday, June 25 and will be notified via e-mail. Failure to respond will result in another winner being drawn on June 27. (While I usually reply to comments, that's probably not going to happen this time; however, I rejoice in every comment and in every opportunity to make new friends.)
As of 8:39 PM Wednesday, June 25, 2014, comments are closed for this post.
Good luck!
You can find links to the other 49 blog stops here.
Happy quiltmaking and knitting.....,

1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the tour, love your block. I live over in South Carolina.
Hello from Northwest Pennsylvania
I live in Virginia. I have really enjoyed visiting all the states.
I'm from eastern Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia.
I follow your blog via email.
Thanks for the informative post! I'm from South Dakota
I am for Pennsylvania. Thanks for sharing some great info about New Mexico. Love the block!
Hi Dora, Amazing isn't it, the lack of knowledge about our 50 states! I'm in Oregon currently but we're planning a big move back to western NY later this year when DH retires!
And I follow via my Google Dashboard.
I live in Texas. great state tour.
I like that your block represents the diversity of New Mexico.
24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com
I live in Oklahoma.
Hi from New York. Following on bloglovin'.
24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com
Cute Block - Thanks for sharing about your beautiful state with us.
I'm following via e-mail. Thanks again!
I follow on bloglovin now. Love the different blog hops I get to find so many great blogs
Hello from Alabama! I made a quilt that I called "diversity." I am going to add you to bloglovin. Thank you for spreading joy.
I live in Alabama - I have to share a funny with you.
I worked in a store where the manager was from New Mexico. A customer asked her "Where are you from?" She replied "New Mexico" The customer said "Well, you certainly learned to speak our language pretty good."
When the customer left we both laughed.
I live in Missouri. I enjoy your blog and really like your block
I follow by Google Friend Connect and by Bloglovin'
Hello from Texas - my husband was born in Hobbs, NM - and we are planning a vacation there in the fall.
We were in N.M. when they were having the hot air balloon festival many years ago. It was lovely. I'm in CA.
I am now following you on Feedly. Great tutorials!
I'm from Albuquerque, though I live in NJ now. This was my first stop on the blog tour. I'm excited about your giveaway!
Waving hello from IL. This blog tour has been so much fun!! Your plate is very pretty!
I am north of you in western Colorado.
Hello from North East Pennsylvania - love the more abstract look of your license plate.
Hi! Here's my second chance to win, I'm following your blog.
I live in Illinois. This blog tour has been great! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm a misplaced Texan, living in Illinois. I have a brother in law and his family that live in NM. My great-grandmother and my great aunt lived in Albuquerque for decades. NM is a great state.
I follow with my dashboard, but, I did sign up for bloglovin' when we thought the feeder would go away (only RSS feeder was dropped).
I live in the Sunshine State of Florida :-) I don't know anything about New Mexico, so thanks for the info about your state. I found it very interesting.
i'm in KY
Hello from Missouri!
So interesting! I live in South Florida- also full of sunny skies and a very diverse culture.
I have enjoyed this tour so much that I may consider making a quilt with license plates too. I so love the colors of your block. I live in Florida.
I follow with bloglivin
Hello from Indiana. Your block certainly represents the diversity of your state. I grew up in a German community in southern Indiana. The biggest diversity we had was Catholics and Protestants. I am fortunate to live in a community with more cultural diversity.
I signed up to follow your blog on Blogger.
I live in Massachusetts. Your block looks super.
Greetings from Virginia. Such a pretty and meaningful block, and very interesting personal tour. Thank you.
I'm following via email.
And I'm following you via email.
I live in MO now. Carlsbad Caverns has always been one of my favorite vacation spots growing up in Lubbock, TX. I took my husband there (or did he take me there? LOL)when we traveled RTE 66 from TX to CA. Loved it! We also visited the Guadalupe Mountains while there.
I follow you through Bloglovin'
Greetings from Maryland! I"ve enjoyed reading about your state.
I'm from Oregon but have visited New Mexico. Definitely beautiful.
Greetings from Kentucky! When my neighbor first moved here from New Mexico the people at the DMV told her they couldn't register a car brought in from another country -- like you said, countless incidents of being unaware!
We have visited your interesting state, and now live in SE FL.
Thank you for the giveaway.
I am following you on Blog Lovin'.
Hi from Wisconsin. I have visited Albuquerque and found New Mexico a lovely place. One thing Wisconsin and New Mexico have in common is Georgia O'Keefe!
I live in Oregon. Thanks for the information about New Mexico. I would love to visit one day.
I now follow you on bloglovin.
I now follow you on bloglovin.
HI from the Mississippi Gulf Coast!
These days I live in SE Arizona, but I've spent a total of 32 years in New Mexico and still miss many things about it
Your license plate is very colorful. I love it. I am from Missouri.
I follow you on Bloglovin'.
I'm a "neighbor" in that I live in Arizona, too. We're in Sierra Vista, Hummingbird Capitol of the U.S.
Following the tour from Nevada.
I'm a "neighbor" in that I live in Arizona, too. We're in Sierra Vista, Hummingbird Capitol of the U.S.
Hi, I live in Oklahoma. I'm new to quilting but Loving it. Visiting east state is great fun. New Mexico is my parents home state and we had lots of visits as children. Dora G.
I've signed up for your blog via email. Dora G.
Following the AMB tour from Oregon. Thanks for participating.
I started to follow your blog with Bloglovin
I am reading your blog from Georgia.
I am from just across the border in Colorado and visit New Mexico often. I like your license plate design
I am presently living in Florida.
My earliest memory of NM is when my family went to Carlsbad Caverns for a vacation.
Since then have driven through NM many times to visit family in Texas. I now live in California. I know I-40 very well.
I love your license plate.
Following from Virginia
Following by email. Thanks
Hello from Minnesota. Your post reminded me of when I joined the military, people would ask where I'm from and then often a lengthy (and to me -embarrassing) explanation of where that was might ensue. I learned to use Canada as a reference point and not the Great Lakes. Geography and history education is really lacking in parts of the US!
Hello from sunny Florida! I really like your quilt block. Never been to New Mexico, but my son will be hiking in the Pecos area later this summer. Thanks! info {at} cocoplumbeachhouse {dot} com.
Hello from sunny Florida! I really like your quilt block. Never been to New Mexico, but my son will be hiking in the Pecos area later this summer. Thanks! info {at} cocoplumbeachhouse {dot} com.
Very pretty. I live in WA.
Thanks for the tour of New Mexico. I live in Missouri - "Under the Arch"
Hello from California! I have been to NM several times, my son lives in ABQ.
I have been following this AMB tour through bloglovin.
Greetings from Iowa!!
Greetings from Iowa!!
I follow via email. =)
Enjoyed your blog. I am amused at your stories of people's geographical errors.
I live in Vermont, and some people think that's part of Canada!
Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
Love all your bright, happy colors. Love hearing about all the cultures, I have always wanted to visit several areas in your state. Thanks for sharing!
I live in Virginia. I tried to sign up for bloglovin to follow you, but I'm not sure I ever got it to work so I'm not leaving a second comment this time. :(
Following you on Bloglovin' and I am from the great Pacific Northwest, WA State.
I am from California. I have driven through your state on the way to Texas. I enjoy the scenery.
Ah, such a pretty block! Hello from New York State :o)
Hello from Kansas. I am enjoying learning new things about our great states. Thanks for sharing.
Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. Very interesting blog, did not know that history. Loved visiting New Mexico when our children were young. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
Loved your block. I am a new follower on Bloglovin. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I just signed up to follow your blog via email. Thank you for having a second giveaway!
I'm from the Show Me state, Missouri.
It is interesting that you mentioned some do not know NM is a US state. When I was in school, we had to learn all 50 states and their capitals. I guess education has changed.
Hi from Washington State! Thanks for sharing information about New Mexico!
This California gal has enjoyed seeing your creativity! Thanks for sharing.
This California gal is a new follower and looks forward to being inspired by your creative spirit.
Hello from Illinois. I still have to visit New Mexico, I hope to see all 50 states eventually, have made it to 30 so far. This blog tour has been fun, thanks for participating.
dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com
hi dora! you know i'm all about the made in america business! waving to you from illinois...
tammy k.
Hello Dora, I am coming to you from Missouri, the "Show Me" state.
nroot801 at gmail dot com
I live Washington state! Your license plate is lovely!
New Bloglovin follower: Nicole Sender.
Lovely block! I live in Georgia.
I live in Oregon and find it hard to believe that people would think New Mexico is not in the USA.
I follow you on Bloglovin'
Hi Dora,
My life is in the Commonwealth of Virginia,and like yours,has a very diverse population.
Your license plate certainly represents that diversity and I'm so happy to hear it's valued by New Mexico citizens.
Following you on Bloglovin.
Thank you so much for the opportunities.
I used to travel through NM via I-10 from California to Texas and back. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that drive! NM has so much beautiful landscape. Deming NM is a fav...simply cause there is ALWAYS a train going by the bottom of the foothills and you can see it from the highway and follow it..longest trains ever! Just a wonderful, calming effect!
quiltingnanny at yahoo dot com
I follow you via email
quiltingnanny at yahoo dot com
Hello from Wisconsin! I've never been to the SW US. Until last year I hadn't been any further west than Texas to the south, Nebraska in the middle and Minnesota to the north. I finally made it to Seattle for a conference. Thanks for the amusing state tour. notwendy gmail.
I subscribed to your blog via email. Thanks again! notwendy @ gmail dot com
Hello from Ohio!
I've never been to your state, but I'd love to! I live in VA.
Love your block, reminds of the variety of colors in New Mexico. Have been there twice, hoping to get back there this fall.
Dorothy Schreyer
Love your block, reminds of the variety of colors in New Mexico. Have been there twice, hoping to get back there this fall.
Dorothy Schreyer
Hello from South Carolina. My Aunt & uncle lived in New Mexico many years ago and I always loved the pictures they sent.
Hi I am from central Pennsylvania and I love your block!
oneoldgoat1962 at gmail dot com
I follow you on Bloglovin
oneoldgoat1962 at gmail dot com
Hi, Nice flag! love all the color. I am from CA!
Beautiful block! I live in Tennessee.
I'm following you through blogger.
Love your block. I am from Arkansas
visiting from North carolina. like all those colors in your plate
Thanks for sharing about New Mexico, my favorite thing is the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Stampede and I am so excited to someday be able to attend!
I am following you via Bloglovin'
Such a fun tour! I live in Pennsylvania.
Greetings from Michigan! I am enjoying the tour. Thanks for your info on NM and your plate.
I love the diversity of the state too, it is my first choice of other state I would like to live in besides my state of TEXAS.
I follow you on Bloglovin'
Great write up about New Mexico. Love the few times I have had the opportunity to visit. I live in Michigan.
I really enjoyed reading about New Mexico. I've been there a few times and love it! I'm from Oklahoma! Thanks for sharing with us. Cynthia
Hello from western NY. Never been to New Mexico, but I do know you are part of the US lol. Sometimes the ignorance of our fellow countrymen is frightening.
I just signed up to follow your blog by email. Thanks! Cynthia
I live in WA and enjoy the change of scenery, Cholla flowers were gorgeous this year!
I follow your blog and visit in person, when it can!
I am from Michigan and have never been to your state. I have heard some very nice things about the beauty to be found in your state. I would love to win the fabric. Elaine
I love the strip block! Hello from Michigan!
I love the strip block! Hello from Michigan!
I am a new follower on bloglovn!
Great blog post and lovely fabrics....Jean from IA
I follow you on bloglovin
I live in sunny Florida.
I follow you on bloglovin
I live in Maryland now, but used to live in El Paso, TX. Spent a fair amount of time in the Land of Enchantment, cuz lord knows El Paso sure isn't, ha ha.
I follow you via email. Thanks for the giveaway.
Iowa here - love NM and have friends there I hope to visit again someday
just signed up to follow by email - love your work
Loved the info about your Awesome State...& your block is cool too!
I live in Ohio! Would love to have sunshine & blue skies as often as you do! lol
I'm a new follower thru Bloglovin!! Found your Blog from this Tour! :) Going to take a slower visit around it now...looks great already!
Great giveaway, thanks
Follow by email
I follow you on Bloglovin.
Hi -
Thanks for the bright colorful block. We're nearing the end of this exciting adventure and it's been so much fun. You've all done such a great job, that I'm really itching to travel all over this wonderful country to visit both the places I've already seen, but especially the states and places I've yet to experience.
I live in Kentucky, a beautiful state, so very different from yours, which is beautiful in a different way - and in a different color way!
Colorful block - thanks for sharing from hot & humid North Carolina.
Nice block!! I live in Oklahoma.
I follow on bloglovin.
I live in CA and want to visi NM. Thanks.
I don't have an American address so can't win your draw but I wanted to leave a comment anyway to say... People often think that my home - the Yukon Territory in Canada - is actually in the USA. And this place is almost a majority - minority place as well. It is actually probably about half and half first nation people and others. Makes for very interesting times.
Your block design is great and it will look fabulous in the final quilt with all of our blocks.
I really appreciate your block and thank you for the "double" giveaway. I live in Tennessee right near the Smokey Mountains.
Just in case: catremus "at" gmail "dot" com
Hello again! I am following your blog via email.
Hello from Virginia!
I follow by google friend connect
Love your block! Up her in beautiful Washington (the state).
Ps hopped over from the American Made site and will add you to my bloglovin list.
Love your block! Up her in beautiful Washington (the state).
West of the Sandias.....great work with the colors, especially the sky. I, too, was enchanted by the Land of Enchantment label as a child and now that I live here I know it really is the Land of Enchantment.
Such a lovely block and wonderful tour! I live in peachy Georgia!
I follow you on bloglovin.
Thanks for your tour of New Mexico. I have never been there, but looks like a great place to visit. I am from the great state of Wisconsin.
I signed up to follow your blog via email.
I live in northern Indiana. My family travelled through the Southwest a couple of summers ago, and I loved New Mexico. I have followed your blog partly to hear about what life is like there. Thanks for sharing!
I live in northern Indiana. My family travelled through the Southwest a couple of summers ago, and I loved New Mexico. I have followed your blog partly to hear about what life is like there. Thanks for sharing!
I follow on Bloglovin. I really like your license plate design. I will be looking for the AMB fabrics.
Checking in from Southwestern Pennsylvania!
Big Hello's from Idaho!
Hello from Boston, MA
I live in VA!
Following you on Bloglovin
Coming to you from Missouri, the "Show Me" state.
nroot801 at gmail dot com
I love how you used so many colors to make a such an interesting block. I'm live in Texas.
I live in PA. I hope to get to New Mexico one day. Sounds great.
I follow your blog via e-mail.
I love your block! I live in the panhandle of Texas.
Fun license plate block, Dora! I LOVE your inspiration and all the fun crazy facts about New Mexico. It is a beautiful state! One of my favorite memories is meeting an old friend from Connecticut on a llama trek outside Taos a few years ago. Small world! Exclude me from your drawing; just wanted to stop by and say thanks for participating in the blog tour!
Thanks, Dora! From western Massachusetts.
Beautiful; I love all the colors in your block.
I follow via bloglovin.
I'm visiting from Louisiana and follow you on Bloglovin. I do like this block! The colors remind me of striations of colors in the hills and mountains. We've been to or through NM several times but my favorite memory is Carlsbad Caverns.
I have fond memories of NM sunrises and sunsets. I am in NC.
I have visited over 30 states, but the closest I came to New Mexico was before I was born. While pregnant with me, my parents would drive over to Farmington, NM from Cortez, CO just to see movies. Now I live in Spokane, WA.
I follow your blog via bloglovin.
Hi Dora, I am visiting from Nevada, another very diverse state. Enjoyed your post!
A new follower via Bloglovin!
I am from northern Florida!
I follow you with feedly!
I live in Washington (the state, not D.C.)
I follow you on bloglovin.
I'm from Ohio! I've always wanted to visit New Mexico, it's a beautiful state! Thanks for the giveaway!
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