First came the reorganization of my quilting studio--which I've worked on for weeks and still has a ways to go but is a vast improvement.
I have a lot of shelves of organized fabric including many of the hand dyes I've done for the last couple of decades and have been somewhat reluctant to use:
Yes, still a ways to go!
Reorganizations of lots and lots of prints:
Little curtains over the shelves to protect them from light:
I still have boxes of fabric, etc., about which I need to make decisions.
I do feel like I'm still healing from the "mystery virus," and I'm still not accomplishing as much as I'd like. The good thing is that throughout this time my brain has continued to heal so that I now hear things, especially in music, that my brain is processing for the first time since its injury over 2.5 years ago. Given how much I love music, that's a huge blessing.
I am back to quiltmaking at last, and tonight I get to layer this for quilting:
It's a prayer quilt for the husband of my grade school/high school friend Pat Orr. Dave has finally been matched with a donor for a liver transplant, so I need to get this quilted, blessed, and on the way to Illinois. I'm thinking his donor may need a prayer quilt too. However, the latter quilt can be selected from the quilts waiting for distribution.
The panels in the above quilt were purchased several years ago, and I've been collecting additional fabrics to go with them, but up to this point the only thing I had used them for was for a door hanging. They remind me of autumn during my childhood and youth on our farm near El Paso, Illinois.
School moves forward, and sometimes I do too! The polar vortex is headed in our direction (despite the fact that one of the writers on Accuweather said the Southwest would be spared). I'm grateful our introduction to this one will probably not include the snow it's brought to much of the country. (It's obvious I'm getting old because I talk about the weather!)
Happy quiltmaking...