This Give Away is now Closed.
How about a Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways?It's being organized by Michele Foster over at Quilting Gallery.
I'm taking part. I'll share what I'm giving away in a bit, but first, a little more of Little Miss Gardener, much more quilted, but not yet done. Life just keeps throwing little surprises my way, but she will get done--hopefully, I'll have her completed before we get too far into the weekend.
As a reminder, here's the top, completed last weekend:
And here are some of the quilted nine-patches and snowballs:
Yes, quite a few thread changes.
I especially love the plumes I'm quilting in the snowballs.
While I'm using Fil-Tec Glide thread for most of the quilting, I'm using Fil-Tec Affinity on the pale aqua. Affinity is much like Glide but is variegated. This has soft blues.
Yes, this quilt is being made on my Necchi BU in a treadle cabinet.
And, yes, it's really easy to forget one is treadling--and the exercise is a great bonus.
I've been asked to show how I do the plumes in the snowball blocks, so I plan to do that in an upcoming post.
And now for the give-away. These are eight of my hand-dyed fabrics.
I began dyeing some of my own fabrics sixteen or seventeen years ago--inspired by a lovely lady, a former student in Chattanooga, who wanted fabrics "in the colors I see in my head." Of course, shortly after I began dyeing, children entered my life, limiting my sewing and quiltmaking time. Every once in a while I'd steal some time and do more dyeing--which has resulted in shelves well stocked with an array of colors more likely to be found in someone's head than in stores. I used unbleached and bleached muslin in 36" width and, occasionally, I splurged on Kona cotton. These were dyed from narrow fabric, so they are not quite the same size as the "fat quarters" most of us are familiar with today.The colors above are a grape-y violet, dark fuchsia, sky blues, sea blues, and a blue green. All were dyed by mixing Procion MX dyes from Dharma Trading and with very little movement in the dye bath (usually in Solo cups) so the textures are lovely. About the same time my quilting friends back east were ordering their dyes from Pro Chemical & Dye, and here we are years later, still saying we should do some kind of exchange of our hand dyed fabrics. (Pro Chem is having a sale on their dyes through August 31, including PRO MX Grape, which is hard to find in an MX dye.)
If you would like this little bundle of fabrics, here's what you need to do to enter the drawing:
1. Be a follower. Leave a comment telling me you are a follower and something about your quiltmaking endeavors or your first quilt--or if you are not yet a quilter, what you'd like to be able to make.
That's it. No other hoops to jump through. We'll draw a winner September 5. I'm willing to ship this little bundle internationally.
It would be a good idea to check your settings and be sure you are not a no-reply blogger. I'll e-mail the winner and post the name of the winner on this blog. (And if the winner does not respond, I will do another drawing.)
Please be aware that if you are a no-reply blogger, I will not be able to contact you if you win. It would be okay to leave your e-mail address in your comment.
You might want to head over to Michele's and check out more blogs and more give-aways. (She says she expects the list of links to be up shortly after midnight in the wee hours of August 26.) Sounds like fun Sunday surfing and the chance to make some new blogging friends.
Happy quiltmaking....

Good Morning Dora, I have just found your blog viaq Sew Many Ways and I'm staggered at the beautiful quilts you create using a treadle machine. I hand quilt and have quilted the plume, but never thought of using a machine because I thought it would be too difficult. I have a Jones treadle machine which needs overhauling, we found it languishing in an uncles garage.... your work has inspired me to get my machine repaired. You are an inspiration. I will share your blog with my sewing group here in England. Best Wishes Daphne
I've been watching the progress of this quilt and enjoying it so much. I've been so very busy that the only quilting I can do is vicariously online. I've been a following for quite a while and I've been a quilter for quite a while too. My first quilt was made for some friends back in the 1970s. I was before the times and both hand quilted and tied it!
Dora, I love your feathers and would love a tutorial on how you make them. You do such gorgeous work. I'm a follower of your blog! Your quilt is beautiful! So well done.
Hiya Dora! Your Little Miss Gardener is fantastic! As are your fabrics. I am a hopefully soon-to-be quilter. I'm trying to build my stash a little at a time. I've set up September as my get-my-sewing-and-craft-room in order month. So hopefully, I'll be able to start cutting and sewing in October, a birthday present to myself. It's been much too long since I've sat down at my machine.
I am a follower, and love your blog. Thank you for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!
playamom57 at yahoo dot com
Lovely hand dyes. I just visited a new quilt shop, and the owner is selling her hand dyes by the bolt and by FQ. My first quilt is all by hand. We weren't allowed to use a machine at all. Thank goodness it is only about 13" square. I hand quilted it with gold thread. I didn't know anything about quilt quality fabrics, and neither did the teacher. I'd been quilting for a few years before I entered a quilt store and started learning those things.
Those are some beautiful feathers Miss Dora! Your fabrics are gorgeous and they'd be quite happy here in Texas! My upcoming quilting endeavor is a retreat with my Mom where I hope to get some WIPs finished up. Have fun hopping...and yes, I'm a follower!
I am now a follower. I love hand dyed fabrics and batiks. My quilt making began in 2008 and I have made both traditional and art quilts. I even wrote one pattern but it never sold very well. Visit my blog and see some of my work. I love purples and blues- your hand dyeds look like the colors in MY head.
i have been following for a while thanks
I love reading about your treadle quilting (your blog is on my Flipboard app). It encourages me to keep working on my own treadle quilting!
I'm a new follower. My first quilt is something of my own design. Its a batman quilt for my husband.
I actually just made my first "quilt." I was too afraid of binding, so I just did my own version. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, though, considering it was my first one. I am definitely looking forward to making some more!
Also, I am a new follower of your blog through GFC!
Hello Dora, I am your 80th follower. Hope that is a lucky number! I have been to your blog before and was super impressed by your fmq on a treadle quilt.
Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs
I am a follower and would love to win some of your beautiful hand dyed fabrics! I always enjoy seeing what you are working on and can't wait to see more of your feathers in the snowball blocks!
I am a new follower and a new quilter. My second quilt top was finished last week. It is a double churn/rail fence in purples. My first quilt top is not quilted yet. I cheated though, I just pieced top and my husband did the quilting and binding.
Your quilt is beautiful.
I am a new follower, your fabrics are beautiful. Love hand dyed fabrics. These would be beautiful used in my Edyta Sitar patterns. Love her too.
I am newly following and I'm still a beginning quilter, but I'm enjoying learning!
Foi uma loucura fazer cortes perfeitos com moldes de papelão,cada quadrado de um tamanho,ficou torta mais ainda mostro com orgulho a tal da superação.Me tornei seguidora e quero aprender as penas que amo tanto.GFC
I'm a new follower via email. Your hand dyed fabrics are beautiful. I enjoy quilting small projects, so that I can quilt by hand.
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Such beautiful fabrics!! And your quilt and especially the quilting is GORGEOUS!! Amazing work!! Thank you for sharing your talent with us! :-)
I'm follower #86. Your feathers are amazing and I look forward to the tutorial.
Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize. I follow.
I'm a new follower. Plus I signed up to receive your posts my email. Your quilting is lovely. Thanks for the giveaway.
ooh, pretty colors; thanks for the chance! I'm sketching out my Christmas tree skirt - it will be my first "bigger" quilt project. My mug rug was an EPIC FAIL, but I learned a LOT.
Wow, I'm so glad that your great quilting is being seen by so many, Dora, especially your treadle work! Your hand dyed pieces are pretty, please add my name to the hat ~
I follow you by email. I love your quilt. hugs
I am a follower. Thanks for the chance on your beautiful hand dyed fabrics.
I like making art quilts and hand dyes are so wonderful for that!! Sometimes you just can't find that right shade in any store!! I am a follower. Thank you for this way-cool giveaway!!!
Your plumes are really beautiful I'm now following by email.
Your fabrics are beautiful...thanks for the giveaway
I love the plumes you are quilting in the snowball blocks!
Blogger tells me that I now follow:
Dora Quilts
Congratulations, MarciaW
You are now following Dora Quilts
My mother has quilted for more than 65 years and is my teacher. I'm a beginner in comparison. My first quilt was nicknamed "Seasick" because my late father said it made him feel seasick to look at it. Let's just say that the rows were rather wavy. My quilting has improved since then.
My first quilt was a Log Cabin. I was so proud of how each block came together. Well that is until I started sewing the rows together, disaster. I the discover paper piecing and it changed my life! Thank you for the great giveaway, love hand dyed fabric.
My first quilt project was a wall hanging using a Thimbleberries pattern. I've been in love with quilting ever since and enjoy the time I can spend on my hobby. Thanks for the chance at some lovely fabrics.
I am a follower and I love quilt making I have been doing it since December. I have spent so much time trying new things that I am not sure what I like to do most. I guess time will tell.
I am a new follower.
My first venture into quilting was a spur of the moment idea. I decided about 3 weeks before Mother's Day that I wanted to make a lap quilt for my ailing mother. I had never done any quilting before, and hadn't sewed anything in over 20 years.
I follow you via GFC as gibberish.
I am not a quilter, but my mother is a very gifted one. And since I have been the recipient of a couple of her masterpieces, I'd love to win these fabrics to surprise her with - she has an enviable stash.
I'd really like to learn how to make a cross stitch quilt.
I am a follower, fellow quilter, fellow treadler (although not FMQ treadling--yet) and a fellow hand-dyer.
nice of you to do a give-away!
I'm a follower :)
I have been a quilter for over 20 years and trying to broaden out to dyeing and art quilts.......
it's my passion.
thanks for the chance to win
I'm a new follower! :)
I'm a new quilter that made my first quilt top, a coin quilt, in March of this year, but I haven't had time to get back to finishing it. Hopefully this Fall/Winter I can get into quilting again. Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful fabric! :)
I gave my first quilt to my cats. Enough said!
I'm a follower!
Hi Dora! I'm a new follower, and your quilted plumes are AMAZING! I am also in love with your hand dyed fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win. *fingers crossed* Nice to *meet* you! xo
Your quiliting is lovely!! And those hand dyed fabrics are wonderful!! Thanks so much for sharing your project! I'm a new follower. It would be great if you popped over for a visit at and followed me back! Thanks!
I am a new follower, an old quilter, and now a new blogger (thanks to my niece). I have enjoyed quilting with my mother since I was a teen. Now I'm "up in my years". I love learning new things. The internet is awesome to expand my quilting skills.
I'm a new follower from the UK
I've been quilting for about 10 years and my first quilt was a house block quillow for my Mum's birthday!
I am a new follower, love the hand dyed fabrics.
I am a follower. My first quilt was one I made up the pattern myself to give to my uncle.
Your quilting is amazing, I can't believe that is done on a treadle. Well I do believe it, but WOW! Thanks for the chance to win your delicious hand-dyed fabrics! I am a new follower and will be back!
wow i love your quilting!!
thanks for the giveaway!
How fun to find another treadler on the blog hop! I've got a 1918 White and a Davis handcrank that need a lot more time spent with them. Maybe your blog will help me get back in the grove!
I just found your blog with this hop. You have some fantastic quilts. So yes I am now a follower.
I have been quilting for several years, love to make quilts for the grandkids...
I just joined your wonderful blog. I love quilting on my vintage sewing machines, especially my 1904 Singer treadle.
I'm a happy new follower. love your feathers. They are great. Thanks for the oportunity on the draw.
Hey Dora,
I am now a follower! I too have a treadle, it needs a belt now, I plan on getting soon.
It's good to see people using well made equipment. Also, home methods.
I made a quilt for my mom's 75th birthday. It had all the hands in my family. I used fabrics from clothing I had cut up for quilting.
The fabrics are lovely, thanks for the chance to win. I am a new follower :)
Your fabrics are beautiful and so is your quilting. My first quilt was just some squares put together with very little plain quilting. It is a wonder it stayed together!
Your quilt is lovely and the quilting is amazing , I would love to win these hand dyed fabrics , they are gorgeous . Thanks for the chance , i am now following your blog by email.
Oh my goodness. I was so busy checking out your site I almost for got to leave a comment. Would love to have the "colors in my mind" collection - especially the purple! I am going to do a split 9 patch windmill - your tut was great on it.
I'm following your blog by email. What gorgeous colours the fabrics are.
My first machine quilt was a tumbledown log cabin ['tumbledown' because if it was really a log cabin it would tumble down!].
Beautiful fabrics. My first quilt was made about 45 years ago with the help from my grandmother. I made a grandmother's flower garden flower and appliqued it to a square of muslin. A new follower
I am now a follower
My first quilt, we didn't have much money so I cut up my husband's old work shirt into squares, there was burgandy, blue and white... to quilt it I did stitch in a ditch.. it was ok but didn't make another one for years... now I make many and those are for charity
What a sweet giveaway! Your hand-dyed fabrics are gorgeous. I'm a follower by email. I've been quilting for about 8 years now, and one of my first quilts was a half-square triangle "wannabe" lone star quilt. I used all these fun striped patriotic fabrics but none of the stripes matched! It looked terrible. Things have definitely improved though!
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! I'm a new follower. I made my first quilt last year through a quilt-a-long. Have a Nice Day! :)
Oh my, beautiful hand dyed fabrics. I'm in love. My first quilting attempt was a table cloth for our little round table my husband and I had when we first married. Made out of Christmas fabrics that I cut into 6" squares and put a ruffle on the edge. I find it it every year in the Christmas decorations.
Oh My Wow on the stitching on treadle!!!! I have a 1916 Redeye Singer that is electric and man is the fly wheel FAST!!!! I need more practice in just straight line much less "fancy" work. Kudos to you!!!!
Thank You for the chance to win those very delightful hand dyed fat quarters.
From newbie quilter and follower.
Hey glad to meet another Dora! I'm a follower and have been quilting for many years. Love your hand dyed fabrics!
Email is:
Lovely colors....
New follower Linda Meyers Gabbard
llmgabbard60 at Gmail dot com
New quilter too. Just starting out still working in first project a wall hanging.
I am a new follower. I am currently working on a flannel rag quilt.
I'm a new follower. I don't quilt, but I do make tote bags and pillows for seniors and children.
I am a new follower! I am currently sewing away on a batik quilt for my son and his new bride.
Oooooh, time to follow! Your quilting is so very gorgeous and I am slowly feeling more inspired to quilt something myself, soon!
I'm a new follower! Great blog, by the way. I've been quilting for quite a while but I've never attempted to hand dye fabric. Yours is beautiful and makes me want to attempt it! :)
I'm a follower. I am obsessed with quilting but have very little time to actually do any of it. I taught myself to quilt several years ago and enjoy learning new skills. I love that the internet has made it possible to teach yourself pretty much anything you want to learn.
I have a treadle machine but something happened so the upper and lower threads don't connect. It's at my cabin and I'm afraid by the time I bring it down for repair and take it back up, it won't work again. But now that I see what you do! What a great opportunity I've been wasting! Those are beautiful feathers. I learned to do feathers this spring. I'm in awe of ours. Thanks for posting.
I'm a new follower and I love handdyed fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a new follower! Beautiful quilting on your new quilt btw. When I first started quilting, I came from a sewing background, and so my first quilt had the standard 5/8" seams!!!
Hi I am a new followers of yours now. I took a quilting class to learn the basics and to make my first quilt. I made a rail fence quilt. I have saved this quilt since 1982. The colors I picked were not good. Green, peach and blue together. Not good. What was I thinking? Oh well, I will keep it and give it loves. I am looking forward to your upcoming post. I am always willing to learn as much I can absorb. Thank you for your great giveway. You are a very generous quilter and I hope you meet a lot of new friends as well as new followers.
Sandi T.
I'm your follower (by e-mail) and my first quilt project was a blanket for my baby girl :) thanks for the great givaway!
gfc follower
I made a quilt in High School and one about 4 years ago for oldest daughters graduation. I'm in process of making one for my mom for grandkids and one for my youngest daughter that graduates this next spring.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
Just joined. !st quilt project was a small quilt many years ago. Please check out my blog too at
I just became a follower. I love those fabrics. They would go perfectly with some I am using for my niece's Christmas gift.
I can't remember my first project. I think it was from double knit during the Blizzard of '78. My first, really counts as a quilt (to me) project was a queen size flannel quilt made from the scraps of a rag quilt I had made. This one counted because it was pieced and quilted - not tied.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love hand dyes but I have never ever tried dyeing my own fabrics. Your color choices are lovely. Your quilt looks terrific and wow- you are quilting with a treadle machine- that is amazing.
Thanks for participating in the blog hop. I am a new follower of your blog. I will look forward to your progress on this quilt.
Regards from Western Canada,
I'm following you now. I love to make hexagons :) The fabrics look beautiful!
Just became a follower. My first quilt was done as a 4 block sampler while living on Okinawa, Japan and we had to make our templates and cut out with scissors. I still look at it and think-great job! It hangs in our master bedroom. That was in1991.
forgot to write email I don't know if I am a blocked replyer or not
I am a new follower, what wonderful colors you have made, I am new to sewing and am working on my first quilt it is a log cabin quilt.
Lovely quilting and beautiful fabrics! :)
Having a great time at michelles qal!
Been following you for a while now, and am amazed what you do on a treadle. Am still interested, hopefully some day!
I'm a new follower. My first quilt, a log cabin never got vanished during remodelling of my house......I'm still sad..
I do appreciate the special quality of hand dyed fabric and just stunned at what you have produced on a grandmother would be very proud of you.. her choice of machine too.
I'm a new follower. I well remember the joy of pumping my grandma's treadle. Wish I had it now! I've never made a whole quilt and it's been years since I've quilted at all, but I've been so inspired by the wonderful blogs and am hoping to start with a bag.
My 1st quilt was a jean quilt that my grandma helped me with. I told her my design, she told me it could not be done (she's not a quilter, but a seamstress). So, we made it her way. I, being a quilter, made a 2nd jean quilt of my pattern. Because as a quilter we all know anything is possible.
my first real quilt went to a little girl who's mother had been brutally murdered in my home town.... It is one I will never forget x and I follow
I'm a new follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I started learning to quilt about 4 years ago. I am always learning something new and I have loads and loads more that I want to learn.
Another brand new follower after SewCalGal posted a link to your feather in a snowball tutorial! Beautiful. I've been making quilts since about 1983, though sporadically until this past year after my retirement. I've always handquilted everything until last year when I started teaching myself free-motion quilting, and now a part of SewCalGal's FMQ Challenge. First quilt was a hand applique daffodil centered medallion wall quilt of my own design.
Thank you for a chance to win your beautiful hand dyes. Boy I would love to be able to dye fabric. I am a new follower. Right now I am busy hand quilting my Hawaiian Applique quilt.
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