This is what can happen to a photo when the cloudy, rainy light is horrible and one asks another quilter to hold the quilt. This was made with leftover 10-inch squares from a layer cake.
Much of the quilting was done with Glide Strawberry Lemonade; but I used a few more colors too.
What looks like muslin is a very low-volume white-on-off-white nature print.
I have five more pieced blocks left over for another prayer quilt. Hence, this is Sister I and next will be Sister II.
Here's the sight I caught outside my window this windy afternoon.
I don't know what kind of birds these are, and I've never seen them around here before. Clearly they are mates. At first I thought they were a decoration my neighbor had put up on her wall; then their eyes and heads moved. They were gorgeous enough to make anyone fall in love with the variations of beige. They are all puffy to keep warm against the wind. Then I think the sun's reflection on my camera when I moved scared them off. They were so beautiful and made me feel blessed that I happened to look out the window at just the right time. (I do wish I'd been able to get more and better pictures.)
edit: A friend says these are ring-necked doves. They used to be birds that were kept in cages, but they escaped and are now breeding in the wild.
Happy quiltmaking...and knitting,