If you decide to try something like this, it's important that they air dry, not dry in the dryer.
If they air dry and need to go back into an oxygen bleach solution, they can do that. If they go into the dryer, the stains will set forever.
I'm thinking I may need to re-soak the pillow sham and the dresser scarf once I determine whether I can live with the very slight discoloration. I think I would like to quilt both of them. It would be nice if a vintage quilted dresser scarf would motivate me to keep the top of the dresser clear.
The linens that are off-white or almost eggshell color fascinate me. I wonder why the women of the mid-1950s to 60s decided to leave white and go to off white with that beige/gray embroidery. I need to talk to some of them before we lose them. One of the beige embroidered napkins looks like it had already met bleach some time in the past. The rose-woven damask napkins are so old that their corners and hemstitching were done by hand. They do make my heart sing!
Our little town's internet service got "backed up" as in "traffic jam" yesterday. Some customers got re-routed; some of us just were disconnected. I think we're back on now, but it was a throw back to old times for nearly 24 hours! Twenty years ago all this internet connectivity was pretty much just a dream. We've come a long way since then. Twenty years ago I hadn't yet had the opportunity to crawl in ceilings and pull wire through a school building. Now we are wireless. Very nice progress!
Happy quiltmaking,