Center panel....
with coordinating fabrics...over $100 already.
Still to go...undoubtedly a few more fabrics, a coordinating backing for the quilt, batting, thread....
and when finished it will be big enough to use while watching TV but not big enough for a bed.
Shall we count the hours it takes to make it?
I'm not being grouchy. I'm just pointing out that we need to respect the investment quiltmakers have in fabric, design, supplies, time, talent, skills, and creativity.

P.S.: In response to those who have asked, I've decided to post my progress on this quilt as I go along. I'd like to have it finished by the end of November. That means that instead of working on multiple projects, I'll try to focus on this one. That means if you know a family getting a handmade quilt for Christmas or a birthday, you can direct them to these posts so they will have some idea just what is involved in making such a precious, albeit often unappreciated, gift.
Also in response to those who have asked, yes, you may share a link to this post on your blog or on Facebook.
While people balk at the idea of paying $25 per hour, there are quite a few quiltmakers charging even more--and rightly so.