The phone photos I took yesterday were not very good, and there were bunches of things I had to do before the first service today, so I took these quickly between services--which will explain the images that include the tops of people's heads.
When we have a dedication, all the people at the church service are invited to lay hands on the quilts as we pray together and commission the quilts for service.
One of the exciting aspects of this ministry is that sometimes the quilts are treasured for years by the original recipients, and sometimes they pass them on to others who also experience healing beyond what their medical teams expect.
The altar cloth is a collaboration of several members of our group created from a commercial pattern quite a few years ago. (I remember quilting it on one of my treadles in my living room.)
Just as I'm fascinated by the colors quiltmakers choose to use, I'm fascinated by the colors which appeal to the people who choose a quilt to give or the people who choose a quilt.
I'm not at all sure why that white black and red quilt is folded so small. (I did not set up that part of the display.)
Not all the quilts are pictured. I think someone began talking to me, and because of the distraction, I thought I'd snapped a couple of photos when I hadn't.
In my family we've been praying for a cousin with lung cancer despite no known risk factors. She is being blessed with lots of prayer support. Yesterday the upper lobe of her left lung was removed in robotic surgery at Johns Hopkins. Another cousin is in a rehabilitation facility in Lincoln, Nebraska following an industrial accident that has resulted in paralysis from the neck down.
Tomorrow Victory Quilters are getting together to sew some quilts appropriate for children because so many youngsters with connections to our congregation have faced some very serious health challenges lately, and we think we need a shelf for some fun, juvenile quilts to comfort therm on their journeys toward healing.
I have five days off from work and am soooo looking forward to time at home, and hoping I can manage at least one pajama day. I already have several things on the calendar the will require me to leave home, but if my scanner will work correctly, I may avoid a trip into Albuquerque. Then I'll have two more months until the end of the school year.
I'm also trying to get some new socks knitted--since socks I made eight years or so ago are wearing out at an alarming rate. Yes, I take my knitting almost everywhere--even to lunch today with the College Girl before she headed to the airport to pick up classmates and then back to her university. (I'm thinking we'll change her nickname to The Engineer, although she has begun work on her master's, and we should have a graduation not only this May but also next May. I'm pleased with what a hard worker she is.)
I'm also marking five years post assault/brain injury. Only occasionally do I grieve what I lost in that injury and will never recover. My journey since then has been filled with more blessings than I can innumerate.
Happy quiltmaking, knitting, and creating,....