Yesterday we had weather. We most often have climate, but yesterday we had weather of many different sorts. We began the day with rain, sleet, and snow, and they kind of did a dance with many repetitions.
Then we had thunder and lightning and rain followed by thunder and lightning and snow, and to liven things up a bit, that was followed by about two inches of hail and more rain and snow.
All that with intermittent sunshine--so we can keep our record as a place where the sun shines nearly every day of the year, even if just for a few minutes!

The mountains were almost incredibly beautiful when we went to church today, with snow clinging to all the trees, especially the pines, and more snow coming down. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of that!
By the time we got home shortly after noon today, the winds were roaring through. Most of the tumbleweeds were small ones, which makes me wonder if they were once big ones but had been downsized by long-distance tumbles.
At this moment, things are fairly quiet.
Of course, one of the prettiest sights of the day was my daughter. When we purchased her clothes, I didn't realize that they pretty much match the color of our livingroom walls! ('Tis true, I also forgot to have someone at church take our picture together!)
It's been nearly ten years since I've seen the department stores filled with such ugly, ugly clothes that you know they must have sent their buyers to "ugly school" before they let them go order merchandise. We found her beautiful clothes at the Asian store.
We are so grateful that there is no school tomorrow and that the only things we have on our agendas are working on quilts, a flute lesson, and tea with a friend!
We hope all our loved ones have had a wonderful Easter!