This is my friend's cabin near the Cumberland Gap at the crossroads of Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky where I busily dreamed, cut, pieced, and quilted for up to 16 hours per day some days. Alex did target practice with a rifle, got her first fishing license and went fishing, picked and strung beans, went to Bible school at a nearby Baptist church, played with a toddler, rode the neighbor's Mule, and had so much fun she wants to go back. It's one step from Heaven.
Over the next several posts, I'll talk about the quilts I worked on.
Here's a sample--more details later.
These colors will work beautifully in my friend's living room, although I think she's expecting a quilt that contains robin's egg blue, brown, and cafe au lait.
My friend's cabin is so cute that it should really be featured in Cottages & Cabins magazine.
This is the second quilt I had no idea I would make. These fabrics are from Robin Pandolph's Chateau Rococco line for Free Spirit Fabrics. I took several of them with me, thinking I would make a small quilt. I had so much fun with the feather on the borders of Mrs. Lebo's Kitchen that I knew I had to do a quilt with a red border quilted with gold feathers.
I picked up additional yardage at the shop in Tazewell and pieced the top, got the borders added, and layered and basted it. However, then it was time to leave so that I could see my niece who lives in Oregon and who had returned to Cleveland, TN for her good friend's wedding. I figured the quilt was going to come back to New Mexico to be finished and then be mailed back to Tennessee. My daughter and Miss Bobbie convinced me we should extend our visit so that they could go see the new Harry Potter movie together the day it premiered. They saw the movie, and I completed the quilt in time for us to go outside and take pictures.
By the way, to see any of these photos in a larger format, meaning you'll see more details, you can place your cursor over a picture, right click, and open it in a new tab or a new window.
We began the long drive back to New Mexico early Thursday morning. We had a lovely first day's drive in mostly drizzle from East Tennessee into Oklahoma, where the sun came out. The sun shone brightly the rest of our return trip except for a few drops of rain between Tucumcari and Cline's Corners. But any way you look at it, a trip of 1400+ miles is lllooooonnnnnnng!Obviously, the summer monsoons fizzled early here. NM is very brown except where there is irrigation. We spent Saturday tackling weeds and yard work; I gave in and got out the Round-Up; we had a few more drops of rain last night, probably just enough to wash off the Round-Up; we'll see.
More posts with quilt stories later!
Dora the Quilter
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