Thank you, friends, for your prayers and kind words of support. My Sweet Teen asked why God does these things to us. I reminded her the doesn't but there are evil people who do evil things. Think I'll make sure my Bible travels to school with me for a while.
I don't think I've ever done this before--but I really need prayers from prayer warriors.
I think we've all had too many reminders of how desperate the economy is.
I really am grateful to have a job and that my job is one that makes insurance possible, and at reasonable prices.

One of the downsides of my job is that it's over 60 miles from my house. it takes 60 to 70 minutes to get there and an equal amount of time to get home--that's on a "normal" day. When my children were little we used the time to our benefit. It been harder at times of busy construction on the interstates or local streets.
My school district has told me I'm being reassigned to another school another 20-30 minutes further away--if this happens, I'll be spending 3+ hours commuting each day.
I believe that I should not have been reassigned because my qualifications outweigh those of the other teacher according to our collective bargaining agreement. Some administrators made a decision without all the facts. If we can't get them to take into consideration the "real" facts, my long commute will begin Monday.
Obviously, it's pretty difficult to pack up a teaching career and move to a new site in so little time. The collective bargaining agreement says they have to allow the teacher two days to "settle in" before teaching duties begin, but that means they don't have to give me any days to pack up.
Prayer warriors, I need your prayers. I'm praying that the person whose program and experience I outrank will be the person who has to go. (It will not impact her commute as it will mine.--I'd hate that she'd have to do it too, but at least it wouldn't wreck her life.)
Please pray for us.
As soon as I can get a decision, I'll post at the top of the post that the situation has been resolved--whichever way the decision goes.
Obviously, in this economy and with the financial mess our publicly funded schools are in, there's no such thing as a job closer to home.
In the meantime, I'm trying not to cry--more able to do that sometimes than others.