I passed it back to Judy without getting any pictures of the quilting. I'll take pictures the next time I see it. I love the way the quilting turned out. All the thread residing in the lovely little coffee filter is what I had to rip out when the bobbin thread got tangled around the little latch on the bobbin--and the machine gave no audible cues that anything was amiss. So, I spent a couple hours frogging!
I ordered this yarn from Craftsy because it was on sale and I've been wanting some "Christmas at Downton" to knit while watching the series. Unfortunately, my yarn took a side trip to visit Grand Prairie, TX (thank you, DHL), so it didn't arrive until today. The Downton yarn is at the bottom--and it's not nearly as beautiful as the colors I see on the TV. Still lovely, however.
DHL must give their customers really, really good prices to get all their contracts. However, my experience is that they do not give high quality service. The warehouse where my yarn started out is just six hours driving time from where I live. It was supposed to be shipped with two day service. So of course DHL sent it to Texas instead.
When I was adopting, I was living in Zuni, and the adoption agency, also in Colorado, shipped my referral to me via DHL. DHL did not deliver to Zuni, so instead of admitting they didn't deliver to Zuni, they carried the package to Albuquerque, mailed it via the postal service, and it took another two days to get to Zuni! Had it been mailed from CO, I would have received it the next day.
Yesterday after church I drove to Socorro to visit my College Girl, and she snapped this picture of the two of us.
(She did a better job than the professionals we paid to do it last summer!)
We had a lovely lunch at a restaurant she suggested, Bodegas. Her tango class danced their final there last December, and she told me I'd like it because it has real cloth tablecloths and cloth napkins. She was right. Good food, and nice tablecloths and napkins--good service too. I miss her, and our visits always feel short, but we talked and talked. There was very little traffic on my long drive home, so I'm thinking the Superbowl parties must have started early.
At this very moment I hear the very, very, very welcome sound of rain on my skylight. It's been well over a month since we've had any measurable rain, so I'm hoping we'll get some as this front moves through. It has been alarmingly dry here in New Mexico.
Happy quiltmaking and knitting.....

That is just a great great picture...I love it.
What a beautiful picture!
What a great pic! I've been to Grand Prairie, TX, they have a great flea market there!
You both look just beautiful! I'm glad you were able to visit with her. Enjoy the rain, we've been short on water, too ~
Great picture of you, two. Glad you finally got some rain.
What a beautiful photo of the 2 of you!!
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