Using the knowledge I gained knitting Sweet Teen's beret, I knitted one for myself.
Sweet Teen modeled it. (She's back at university now, and her mama's trying to create a balance between all kinds of activities and time to be at home. (My home is my haven, and I so value the time I spend here.)
I've learned that I really don't enjoy knitting with big needles and chunky yarn. They make my hands really tired compared with knitting lace weight, fingering, or worsted. But the hat has enough wool content that it should keep my head and ears warm.
This morning our church had a blessing for a new batch of prayer quilts made by our Victory Quilters. Many of these quilts are already making their way to family, friends, and colleagues facing cancer and other serious health challenges.
The altar cloth in the back ground was created by three of us quilters and is used on quilt dedication Sundays.
All these quilts were made by about five women, of whom I am just one. It's humbling to know that our prayers and quilty efforts are going out into the world and that time and time again people tell us wonderful stories about the amazing impact they have on so many lives.
Happy quiltmaking and knitting,

Wow. Look at all those prayer quilts. That is great. The beret looks good too and your pretty daughter. Stay warm
Wonderful, what a lot of work you girls did !
Praise the LORD !
What a beautiful group of lovingly made quilts that will bring smiles and hugs as well as warmth to the ones blessed with one of them. Sweet Teen makes a great model for your beautiful knitting! Happy New Year!
I have a prayer quilt ministry at my church, unfortunately, right now there are only two of us!
Lots of lovely, prayerful quilts your group has made. Cute hat, too.
EACH quilt is lovely and so many of them too...wonderful ministrY!!
Your altar cloth looks lovely as well...
lavender is a nice shade on your knitted hat and what a pretty young one you have!!
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